
What do you think of Argyle's appointment as Head Coach?

Happy? Concerned? Excited?

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Just watched that episode of The Overlap you recommended - very interesting and illuminating. WR is clearly a thoughtful, intelligent man with ambition. I can see him getting on particularly well with the chairman and directors as well as staff and players. He’s down to earth, modest and clearly very hard-working - great qualities. He’s humble enough to say he realises that his playing credentials mean nothing in terms of being a manager and that if necessary he would drop down to a league 1 or 2 club to gain the necessary experience. That impressed me. Just thinking about the various managers he’s worked with though as a player - what a list! If he only picked up a little of what they had to offer he’s got the perfect grounding for a successful management career. Good luck WR - I really hope you succeed.

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I think getting the right back room staff around him and developing a positive relationship with the players are the key things. Get these right and I’m confident he’ll succeed.

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May 26·edited May 26

Superb Cobi, great read

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